Product brochures:
- Enka Solutions product collection (PDF, 3MB) , a brief overview.
- Enka Solutions full product overview (PDF, 5.7MB), a full and detailed overview.
- Coastal management product collection (PDF, 532KB)
- Railway infrastructure Product Collection (PDF, 952KB)
Solution brochures:
- Solutions Overview Transportation Infrastructure (PDF, 5492KB)
- Solutions Overview Coastal and Water (PDF, 5097KB)
- Solutions Overview Environment (PDF, 6504KB)
Product Leaflets:
Woven geotextiles:
Needle punched geotextiles:
Case studies:
Transportation infrastructure:
- Basal reinforcement at Vac Railway Station (PDF, 1573KB)
- Soil Consolidation (PDF, 785KB)
- Earthquake-proof embankments (PDF, 1158KB)
- Zuidpoort shopping centre parking lot (PDF, 1691KB)
- Parking lot & market square (PDF, 1644KB)
Coastal & Riverbank protection:
- Bank protection for supply canal (PDF, 1536KB)
- Flood control (PDF, 904KB)
- Dike protection against erosion and scour due to flooding (PDF, 1179KB)
- Riverbank protection (PDF, 780KB)
Groundwork construction: